Thursday, March 30, 2017


1. Speed

This semester I hope to work primarily on speed. Hesitation and pauses in my speech often make it sound unnatural and not confident, so I hope to work on this thoroughly

アップデート: So far this semester, I feel as if the speed of my speech has improved. When looking at my PE comments this semester, しばた先生 has noted a few times that my overall speed has improved (私は嬉しく泣いています!......えも、私は速くなりたいです.)

2. Fluency

Last semester, しばた先生 and I worked on pronouncing my "r's" correctly, as I had trouble speaking without trilling the "r's" similar to Spanish. By the end of the semester, I was able to successfully pronounce words correctly and at a reasonable speed. I would like to continue this practice this semester, and focus on correct pronunciation and pitch as well. 

アップデート: Fluency has improved these past few weeks as well. This semester I've had fewer fluency issues during the PEs, though sometimes learning new vocabulary creates some difficulty. All in all, it seems better...今週のPEはちょっとむずかしいですけど。。。
3. Complexity of Speech

Besides working on speed and fluency, I want to focus on the complexity of the things I say. It's easy to speak using the easy phrases and grammar structures we learned early on in the semester with proper speed and pronunciation, but it's another to incorporate several different structures and new vocabulary constantly. I think this might be my most important goal, because it blends all three of them together. 

アップデート: This has been the most difficult goal to complete so far, just because each week we learn more and more complex structures. Overall though, I feel as if I've made progress, albeit slow. I've gone to the Japanese language table more consistently, which I think has been really important to my progress.




  1. いいゴールですね。日本語の一年生の時に日本語のテーブルによく行きましたが、今はとてもいそがしいから、ぜんぜん行きませんでした。

  2. 日本語テーブルによくどんな日に行きますか?いっしょに行きませんか?そして、はじめての『進撃の巨人』をみましたか?とてもよっかたです!

  3. クワッチ リリApril 4, 2017 at 5:02 PM


  4. その「ワンパンマン」GIFがパーフェクトですよ!私も日本語をゆっくり話しまして、スピードが難しいですけど、毎日アニメを見て、オフィスのアワーに行くので、できます!

  5. ゴールはいいですね。がんべって下さいロドリゲスさん。私も日本語でむずかしいストラクチャーで話すのが上手じゃありません。だから、私の話すテストのグレードはよくなかったですよ。一週間に日本語テーブルに話に行きたいです。
